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Product Description

It is a sheet of stretched polystyrene, with densities ranging from 6 kg/m 3 up to 35 Kg/m 3. It is used in the construction sector in multiple forms because it is designed to achieve the highest level of efficiency required for various uses. It conforms to the standard specifications for expanded polystyrene according to the American code ASTM – C578. It is manufactured in blocks that can be cut into different shapes and sizes to suit the specification needs of the project . It conforms to According to the standard specifications for expanded polystyrene according to the American Code and the Egyptian Code.

Purpose of Use

Modern architectural design is not devoid of the presence of white stretch foam, which has proven very efficient during its use in implementing huge projects. However, it is considered a very important element for implementing compressible applications such as roads and soil reinforcement. Among the modern applications of the podium system in multi-storey buildings, the need to create a void between two surfaces of concrete has become urgent, as it is Use this void to facilitate electrical installations and air conditioning between the concrete layers. The white foam is placed first Then pour the concrete and after it dries The white foam is pulled out and the resulting vacuum is used to make the required extensions.

Filling voids and strengthening the soil

Stadium and theater seating

Podium system in multi-storey buildings

Other and multiple construction uses


  • Available in any size according to design

  • Lightweight and easy to use

  • It can be produced in multiple densities ranging from 6:35 kg/m3

  • High compressive strength makes it good shock absorber

  • Easy to implement, transport and use
